суббота, 30 мая 2015
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Bessatsu Magazine 2015-03 NEW!
Q: What were everyone thinking when they saw Armin dressed up as Historia?
A: They were pretty desperate back then, but had lots to say afterwards. Perhaps they felt excited, as if they had found a new toy.
Q: What were the characters made of on the January cover of Bessatsu Magazine?
A: Manjuu, filled with either strained or sweet bean paste. “Torimon” are delicious, aren’t they?
*Torimon are from Hakata, a city situated in the same region as Isayama’s hometown, Oita.
Q: Which character often talk in their sleep?
A: Annie. She will murmur “whoosh” as she practices low kicks on trees in her dream.
Bessatsu Magazine 2015-04
Q: Has Armin and Eren ever fought before?
A: I’ll be writing about that part of their relationship one day.
Q: Where do you start from when you draw the character faces?
A: From the outlines. I start by drawing a cross in a circle.
Q: What rank did Marlo and Hitch graduated in their training corps?
A: They barely made it into the top 10.
Bessatsu Magazine 2015-05
Q: Who smells the best among the people Mike sniffed?
A: Nanaba. They has a fruity smell.
Q: Historia threw Rod. Was her grades for hand-to-hand combat good?
A: Not very good, because she’s small.
Bessatsu Magazine 2015-06
Q: What was Hanji like as a trainee?
A: They wasn’t among the top trainees. And received even more strange looks compared to now.
Q: Why has Captain Levi’s eyes grew squarish recently?
A: Sorry my drawing is inconsistent… I always find my latest drawing to be the ideal style for me.
Q: Armin saved Jean when he was knocked out in Chapter 50. Did he thank him?
A: He did properly. Jean always thought of him as a friend he can count on.
Q: What were everyone thinking when they saw Armin dressed up as Historia?
A: They were pretty desperate back then, but had lots to say afterwards. Perhaps they felt excited, as if they had found a new toy.
Q: What were the characters made of on the January cover of Bessatsu Magazine?
A: Manjuu, filled with either strained or sweet bean paste. “Torimon” are delicious, aren’t they?
*Torimon are from Hakata, a city situated in the same region as Isayama’s hometown, Oita.
Q: Which character often talk in their sleep?
A: Annie. She will murmur “whoosh” as she practices low kicks on trees in her dream.
Bessatsu Magazine 2015-04
Q: Has Armin and Eren ever fought before?
A: I’ll be writing about that part of their relationship one day.
Q: Where do you start from when you draw the character faces?
A: From the outlines. I start by drawing a cross in a circle.
Q: What rank did Marlo and Hitch graduated in their training corps?
A: They barely made it into the top 10.
Bessatsu Magazine 2015-05
Q: Who smells the best among the people Mike sniffed?
A: Nanaba. They has a fruity smell.
Q: Historia threw Rod. Was her grades for hand-to-hand combat good?
A: Not very good, because she’s small.
Bessatsu Magazine 2015-06
Q: What was Hanji like as a trainee?
A: They wasn’t among the top trainees. And received even more strange looks compared to now.
Q: Why has Captain Levi’s eyes grew squarish recently?
A: Sorry my drawing is inconsistent… I always find my latest drawing to be the ideal style for me.
Q: Armin saved Jean when he was knocked out in Chapter 50. Did he thank him?
A: He did properly. Jean always thought of him as a friend he can count on.
среда, 07 января 2015
пятница, 19 сентября 2014
понедельник, 18 августа 2014
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воскресенье, 17 августа 2014
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понедельник, 16 июня 2014
воскресенье, 01 июня 2014
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понедельник, 28 апреля 2014
воскресенье, 27 апреля 2014
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In Attack on Titan Volume 4!! We Enter the Raging Cooking Battle Arc!!

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With limited land and limited ingredients...
SASHA: Th-This soup...!?
SASHA: Oh no! All that's left are onions!!
CROWD: Fuck you, you rich bastards!!
CROWD: Let us eat meat!!
SASHA: Now that it's come to this....
SASHA: There's nothing left to do but steal!!
Humanity must now face the challenge of cooking meat dishes!!
(Real preview on the next page)
SASHA: Th-This soup...!?
SASHA: Oh no! All that's left are onions!!
CROWD: Fuck you, you rich bastards!!
CROWD: Let us eat meat!!
SASHA: Now that it's come to this....
SASHA: There's nothing left to do but steal!!
Humanity must now face the challenge of cooking meat dishes!!
(Real preview on the next page)
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пятница, 11 апреля 2014
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По ссылкам страницы на японском, ниже перевод на английский.
Перевод доп. страничек из 13го тома с Хисторией.
+ Перевод забавных доп. страничек с Эреном и Армином.
Перевод доп. страничек из 13го тома с Хисторией.
+ Перевод забавных доп. страничек с Эреном и Армином.
пятница, 04 апреля 2014
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понедельник, 31 марта 2014
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Внутренние обложки томов манги содержат подобные отрывки текста:

Японская аудитория рассмотрела в этом письме отзеркаленную кану и перевела, а потом добрые корейцы перевели отрывки на английский и они дошли до нас. История заселения человечеством стен:
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Японская аудитория рассмотрела в этом письме отзеркаленную кану и перевела, а потом добрые корейцы перевели отрывки на английский и они дошли до нас. История заселения человечеством стен:
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пятница, 28 марта 2014
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08.09.2013 в 18:15
Пишет Ki$Hk@ mad anime-man:SnK: воинские звания
Бо́льшая часть фандома (как зарубежного, так и русского) убеждена в том, что звание Ривая переводится как Lance Corporal (младший капрал, он же младший сержант) – это одна из самых младших командных должностей в армии. Несмотря на это, он, судя по отношению к нему начальства и подчинённых, занимает довольно высокое положение, что у придирчивого зрителя могло вызвать недоумение. И в своём недоумении он, как оказалось, был прав.
Путаница возникла из-за сокращённой формы звания в оригинальном японском тексте.
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четверг, 27 марта 2014
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Shingeki no Kyojin Gaiden - Kuinaki Sentaku - читать онлайн (рус.)
Shingeki no Kyojin - Before the Fall - скачать (рус.)
Shingeki no Kyojin - Before the Fall - читать онлайн (рус.)
Shingeki! Kyojin Chuugakkou - читать онлайн (рус.)
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Shingeki no Kyojin -Hangeki no Tsubasa- ONLINE - сайт игры (яп.)
Attack On Titan Tribute Game - страница игры (англ.)
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Shingeki no Kyojin Gaiden - Kuinaki Sentaku - скачать (рус.)
Shingeki no Kyojin Gaiden - Kuinaki Sentaku - читать онлайн (рус.)
Shingeki no Kyojin - Before the Fall - скачать (рус.)
Shingeki no Kyojin - Before the Fall - читать онлайн (рус.)
Shingeki! Kyojin Chuugakkou - читать онлайн (рус.)
Манга на английском
Shingeki no Kyojin -Hangeki no Tsubasa- ONLINE - информация об игре (англ.)
Shingeki no Kyojin -Hangeki no Tsubasa- ONLINE - сайт игры (яп.)
Attack On Titan Tribute Game - страница игры (англ.)
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